Cross-cultural reading of illustrated texts of the Mashhad school of painting based on Michael Riffaterre 's theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Art Research, Art Faculty, Alzahra University of Tehran. Iran

2 Assistant professor at faculty of Art, University of Neyshabur

3 Department of Art Research, University of Neyshabur, Neyshabur, Iran



Introduction: Popular culture is a collection of customs and traditions that have been left from the past and are rooted in the literature and art of society. Cross-cultural reading is a type of reading that explains the pre-texts inside and outside the culture of the text and in addition to discovering the deep layers of meaning, it also examines their possible pre-texts. Aim: The aim of the current research is to examine the artistic texts of the Mashhad School in the era of Ibrahim Mirza Safavid, based on the reading opinions of Michael Riffaterre. Main Questions: The main questions are: 1- In the initial reading of the texts of the Mashhad school of painting, what aspects of the popular culture of the era of Ibrahim Mirza Safavid are evident? 2- In secondary intercultural reading, what are the possible verbal and visual pretexts of these texts? Method: The research method is comparative-analytical. In the current research, the reading of the body of studies based on the reviewer's opinions is done in two stages. In the primary reading, we will read the visible cultural elements in the phenomenal layer of the text and examine the definite pre-texts, and in the secondary reading, while examining the concepts and dealing with the underlying layers, we will study the possible intra-cultural and extra-cultural visual and verbal pre-texts. Findings: The findings show that many cultural elements including material, behavioral and speech traditions in the paintings of this school are often based on the possible visual pretexts within the culture of Great Khorasan during the era of Ibrahim Mirza Safavid and illustrated in his library. Popular culture of the people of that time as well as some pictorial features of the Mashhad school of painting are evident in addition to the pictorial traditions of the past schools.


Main Subjects