The relationship between information stimuli and aesthetic judgement in non-experts

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Candidate, Art Studies Department, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

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3 Psychology Department, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran



Psychological variables play a fundamental role in individuals' perception and pleasure of an artistic work. The pleasure derived from an artwork depends not only on the work itself but also on the viewer. Personality dimensions and artistic knowledge are among the factors that influence individuals' pleasure, perception, and aesthetic judgment. The impact of these factors on different individuals, including experts and non-experts in the arts, has been studied. However, what has been overlooked is the short-term influence of an informational stimulus on the artistic experience of non-experts. In this study, individuals with low experience and knowledge in the arts were divided into two experimental groups. The first group was exposed to no informational stimulus, while the second group was exposed to an informational stimulus (a text about the nature of the artwork). Both groups expressed their preferences for five pairs of realistic-classical and modern-abstract artworks. The results of the study indicated that despite no difference in aesthetic knowledge between the two groups, the second group, exposed to the informational stimulus, significantly preferred modern and abstract artworks to a greater extent. Therefore, even a brief presentation of information about art perception can behaviorally influence individuals' choices and preferences for artistic works. The findings of this study confirm the role of behavioral and psychological variables in the aesthetic experience of non-experts.


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