The analysis of photographicity in Iran's art photography in 1390s (Based on Francois Soulages perspective)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD candidate, Faculty of theories and art studies, university of art, Tehran, Iran

2 associate professor of photography department,, faculty of visual arts, Art university, Tehran, Iran



When the strict borders between art media disappeared, the meaning of being photographic has changed. Lately the meaning of being photographic is more similar to what Francois Soulages called “photographicity”, this term emphasize on the synthesis of irreversibility of the moment that photograph has taken (the irreversible) and endless possibilities of acquiring different pictures from a single negative (the endless) these potential features implied to photography’s intrinsic ability to be integrated with other mediums. In this study in order to investigate on the significance of being photographic in the works has shown in photographic exhibitions of Tehran in 1390s, this term has used. First of all the significance of “the irreversible” has been analyzed. Mostly it is shown in capturing the things which are in the verge of decay or declining and in some cases it highlighted through the destruction of photos in the process of capturing or printing. Then the usage of “the endless” in this decade has been analyzed which is commonly shown in photomontages, manipulated negatives or photos and Utilization of physical already existed photos in photo. Finally investigation on works which links this two characteristic and so photographicity is highlighted in them showed that in a few cases photographers changed the arrangement of already existed photos to overcome the dominant reading of photos and in some cases through alternative printing process or manipulating photos they reach to a picture looks like a painting and mostly they integrate an old photo with today objects or scenes. This integrations mostly are mourning for the past which is always being lost but in a few cases it is mourning for the continuity of a bitter past until today.


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