Content Analytical Approach on Historical Descriptions of the Entrance Space of Religious Buildings Based on the Principles of Islamic Culture

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.


Worship buildings in the historical cities of Iran are considered fundamental elements of urban structure and Islamic culture. The physical structure of these buildings and the formal and functional patterns of each of their components are the result of the intervention of various factors such as religious thoughts and beliefs, religious teachings and deep spiritual concepts. The entrance space has always had a special place in the thoughtful design of Iranian architects. Because in addition to its main function as an articulation space, visually and perceptually, it has also been the Interface space between a building and the urban space and a criterion for recognizing cultural and social identity. In religious places, this space is more important; since this communication node between the city and architecture is a symbolic place through which the values of Islamic culture, the beliefs of the community, religious teachings, and the characteristics of the Islamic city are represented. Accordingly, the entrance design becomes important. This facade can partially express the truths hidden in the religious teachings and principles, either in the form of calligraphy and motifs of the inscriptions, or by the height, proportions, and circumstances of the façade design.
Decorations are not only from the viewpoint of religious art, but also in accordance with the concepts of verses and hadiths. And the themes of phrases and poems engraved on the inscriptions contain religious teachings, moral rules and principles, mystical concepts, historical descriptions, and even jurisprudence assignments. The present article with the aim of revealing the aspects of the relationship between the basics of Islamic culture and the physical / functional perspective of the entrance of religious buildings, seeks to answer a main question: How have the principles of Islamic culture and teachings affected the appearance and functions of the entrance of historical religious buildings? By giving priority to the realigious principles and teachings in shaping the physical and functional structure of religious places, the present article first searches for these principles and teachings by examining religious texts and also the reflection of these aspects in the Islamic architecture and city. Then it traces the aspects of this influence in the meaning and body of the historical building by examining local histories, biographies and travelogues in a historical context.
The research method is content analysis and the data collection method is through existing literature in library; by comparing the teachings and concepts of Islam extracted from religious texts with the historical texts describing the buildings of worship, the semantic and content causes and methods of shaping the input structure of the mentioned uses are analyzed.
In order to determine the research indicators while studying specialized texts, the theory of the Islamic city has been taken into account. In the theory of Islamic urban planning, it is stated that the verses of the Qur'an form the general rules of the Islamic city, and the hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) determine the basic principles of the cultural and social values of the Muslim city, which have appeared in material form. The theory of the Islamic city is a broad topic that has been formed by philosophers and researchers in explaining the characteristics of the Islamic city, its values and principles, and has been cited in some contemporary researches. An Islamic city is a city that is formed on the basis of Islamic culture and Islamic rules. The dominant factor in the model of the Islamic city is the religion of Islam, and all aspects and indicators of the social and physical life of the city are organized and identified by it.. An Islamic city is a city built on the foundations, principles and courses of the Qur'an and hadiths. The principles that should be considered in the design of the urban landscape of worship places are related to the features of the Islamic city on the one hand and to architectural design on the other hand. Thirteen indicators of research have been identified on three general components, including divine truths, religious teachings, and the principles of urban planning and Islamic architecture.
The research starts by recognizing the dimensions of Islamic culture in 2 categories of sources, including religious texts and specialized texts on Islamic architecture and urban planning. After deducing the indicators of the research, it deals with its various manifestations in the semantic and physical aspects of the historical buildings, and the contemporary viewpoint on the religious building construction. Since the main issue is in regards to the principles and teachings of Islamic culture- after thorough description of historical religious places- ancient texts, travelogues, and local histories are studied and the descriptions regarding the functional, physical, and spatial characteristics of religious uses have been analyzed in terms of their relationship with Islamic culture.
Present research is practical in terms of purpose; since it is trying to address one of the concerns of architecture and urban landscape by using the literature review, that is, the issue of repayment to the meaning and spirit that governs the body and the architectural space, and in this way, acquiring the Islamic Iranian identity in the urban landscape. Also, content analysis method has been used in the research; using library resources and relying on the theory of the Islamic city and its principles and components, numerous categories were extracted and then categorized into 13 indicators from 3 main components. And finally, the analysis of these foundations has been done in historical descriptions and architectural examples.
The results of the research clarify how the Islamic culture is reflected in the facade and landscape of the entrance of the ancient religious buildings through rereading the historical descriptions of these buildings in comparison with three influential components in religious architecture, including attention to divine attributes, general Islamic teachings, and the principles of urban planning and Islamic landscape. The entrance landscape of the historical religious buildings has many physical and functional features taken from the foundations of Islamic culture, which are placed under the semantic indicators defining truths, principles and teachings; so that multiple functional capacities have been provided in facade and the entrance landscape of the buildings with the aim of maintaining social values, religious education, guidance and providing security and human dignity. On the other hand, the aspects of the appearance meaning and the visual landscape of the buildings convey unity, holiness, purity and divine truths, which have been emphasized many times in the historical descriptions of the body of the buildings.
The results show that the entrance view of the historical buildings of worship has many physical and functional characteristics derived from the principles of Islamic culture in three sub-sections of meaning (unity, holiness, purity, respect for nature), function (guidance, providing security and peace of mind, preservation of social values, importance of endowment, respect for human beings) and body (strength and stability, painting and line, beauty and happiness) can be analyzed. Focusing on historical texts and comparison with religious concepts showed that European tourists mainly emphasized the objective/sensual aspects of the buildings, including geometrical decorations and plant motifs, lack of face painting, pleasuring and nature-oriented beauty, simplicity, grandeur, and the height of the building and the invisibility of the inner arena. While the historians of local history and Iranian tourists, with the foreknowledge of religious teachings, have focused on semantic aspects in addition to physical appearances, in other words, the description of physical/functional characteristics in order to show religious meanings and sacred concepts. In these descriptions, features such as the purity and sanctity of water, the sanctity of old trees, the ability to develop, the symbolic role of a function for the area and grandeur of the building, peace and psychological security, religious functions and the space for concentration and reflection have had a more obvious appearance. Both groups of texts show that each component of the landscape was formed with the aim of showing the dimensions of Islamic culture, and sometimes one component of the building served multiple purposes in this regard.


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