Representation of Death and Mourning in Picture Books for Children (Case Study: Duck, Death and the Tulip and Death on the Apple Tree Books)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of Graphic Design and Illustration Department, Faculty of Visual Arts, Art University, Tehran, Iran, Corresponding Author

2 Instructor of Graphic Design and Illustration Department. Faculty of Visual Arts, Art University, Tehran, Iran.

3 MA of Graphic Design and Illustration, Faculty of Visual Arts, Art University, Tehran, Iran.


Picture books for children cover a wide range of topics, one of which is to introduce and present the ways in which children are confronted with difficult concepts of life, such as the concept of death and the loss of loved ones. Death is a reality which most human beings no matter young or old, experience it and this event confronts human with new conditions of life that clearly affect children. Reading books on how to deal with the tragic events of life helps children to gain a deeper understanding of the tragedy after experiencing it and to return to a normal life after overcoming the crisis and accepting it. The synchronization of text and image in picture books, each of which deals with the subject in a way that is ultimately provided to the audience in the form of an integrated whole as a picture book, can be one of the effective ways to help the child audience get out of this bottleneck.
Helping children requires knowing how children think and process information. One of the ways to help them includes reading books containing topics and pictures on the subject of death. A picture book is a template that can hold all kinds of children's literature. The picture book is not just for children, but in today's illustrated world, adults also enjoy their own picture book; but the content of the children's picture book covers the whole range of children's literature, and at the same time the structure and form of its presentation is diverse and diverse.
This study examines picture books with the concept of death published in Iran and answers the question that what methods do fiction books use to convey the concept of death to children? The present study, which is applied in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of the nature of data, has studied descriptive-analytical picture books with the theme of death published in Iran. Information is collected in the form of libraries and documents (articles, books, reputable online resources and picture books for children). In the initial surveys, 46 picture fiction books (authored and translated) on the subject of death for children were identified, which were published in Persian between 2003 and 2020. Among them, six titles have been written and forty titles have been translated from non-Persian texts. In the leading research, first the concept of death and then mourning for children aged 7 to 12 years has been studied. In the following, two picture books with the theme of death, created by one artist as an author and an illustrator, are examined. The selection of these two books has been purposeful and according to the different approaches of the artists towards the subject of death.
The two picture books examined in this study are the book "Duck, Death and Tulip" written and illustrated by Wolf Erlbruch, German illustrator and author and creator of picture books, and translated by Mahsā Mohammad Hosseini and Farzāneh Shahrtāsh from Shahrtāsh Publications (2018) and the other book titled Death on the Apple Tree is written and illustrated by Kathrin Schärer as the author and illustrator, and translated by Parvāneh Oroujniā (2017).
In the studied works, an attempt has been made to acquaint the audience with the phenomenon of death and to make death a part of natural life. That the child has the right to grieve in the absence of the deceased and to mourn in various ways. The use of animal characters in books is aimed at better understanding the audience and embracing a reality that may be disturbing to this audience which is the child age group. Many children have pets or have encountered animals that may die. In this way, animals in the child's mind replace humans and people around them. Another common feature of the books is at the end of the story. That death is part of the nature of the life of every creature that breathes. In fact, the moment a person is born, his death is born with him. The story is about companionship and empathy with the child, as life goes on after the death of a loved one, and mourning must end somewhere. While the memory of the deceased will never be lost; but the child must return to normal interests and routines. The image next to the text helps to better understand this content. In many cases, the image complements and expands the text.
The atmosphere of solitude is with the greatest emphasis on the main character, the mourning character or the character involved in death. Sometimes the lighting of the scenes is such that all the audience's attention is focused on the main character. It seems that these empty and often monotonous spaces are a way to create suspense in space and better understand the loneliness of the mourning character by the audience. From the beginning, the child is faced with a normal life in the story, it continues with the main character until it is time for the mourning to end and the child learns that death is an integral part of life. In both books, Death accompanies the main character as a calm and patient friendship instead of a direct confrontation. Until the time comes for the subject to travel with the death phenomenon. Then the audience will find out what the consequences of immortality can have. The coloring in the two books reviewed is a bit bright. Finally, all samples try to reduce the fear of death and express the inseparability of death from life. Their stories and images accompany the audience to take them to the stage of accepting and overcoming this fear.


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    URL1: برگزیده-جایزه-یادبود-آسترید-لیندگرن-۲۰۱۷-اعلام-شد

    URL2: second. wiki/wiki/kathrin_schc3a4rer