Terminology of the Concept of Beauty in the Qur'an

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Painting, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran, Corresponding Author.

2 Master Student of Painting, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


Grace is one of the basic issues in the wisdom of Islamic art and thought, about which many interpretations have been written in the contemporary period. Familiarity with Islamic aesthetics is important in this regard because understanding the beauties in this world, which is a manifestation of the essence of truth and makes it manifest, is a matter of understanding the greatness of God, creation and beauty in God's system. Points out that it itself reflects a form of divine ontology. There are many definitions of beauty in the field of aesthetics, each of which deals with a level of ontology, these definitions are sometimes consistent and sometimes unrelated. An important issue in this area is the discussion of calling people to think and reason in the Qur'an and to reflect on the theory of the creation of the universe. The definition of beauty and its conceptual dimensions is one of the philosophical issues in the branch of the glyph of art, which deals with philosophical issues and various interpretations and examples. Grace is a term that has found various meanings in different times, places and cultures. To identify the types of the best reference used to identify and vocabulary related to beauty, we can refer to the Holy Quran, which contains many verses that show that it has provided many interpretations about beauty and commentators have interpreted based on it into categories. The purpose of this study is to study the meaning of beauty in the Qur'an and its types based on this holy book in the great human culture among Muslims based on the Qur'an, which is the largest written pamphlet and the best hadith. The Qur'an is new after centuries in terms of structure and rhythm of words and interpretations of beauty, and offers eye-catching and new interpretations at all times. Since human creation has two spiritual and physical aspects, so the Qur'an, relying on these two aspects of human beings and considering the sensory powers, reminds us of beautiful manifestations and reminds us to know and understand the world, the affairs of creation and the issue of creation. More than 300 verses in the Holy Quran refer to beauty and the reasonable value of expressing levels and types and types of grace. Also, some desirable human traits at the level and human relationships that strengthen society are considered part of grace in Islam, such as beautiful patience or beautiful forgiveness, which is considered a kind of beauty. For the Muslims of the beginning of Islam, these cases have various aspects, such as education. The vocabulary that has been formed in Islam based on beauty is wide and has been repeated such things as Hosn, Jamal, Behjat, Zakhraf and Qadr and Sade. These cases have been mentioned many times with allegories and verses in the Qur'an and have had a reminder and educational aspect. In this regard, the author tries to answer these questions in the research: examples of grace in Islamic culture based on this question, what is the view of the Holy Quran? What are the types of beauty in the Quran? What is the status and examples of each of these types? Vocabulary related to beauty in the Qur'an is mostly focused on which aspects of grace? The method of this research is fundamental and descriptive-analytical. The nature of the information obtained and the analysis is qualitative and the information is collected in a library method. In this research, an attempt is made to use the terminology from the perspective of the Holy Quran. The results of this study show that many concepts along with their Qur'anic examples are collected by looking at the relevant interpretations and narrations in the issue of creation and it is clear that the concept of beauty in the Qur'an is tangible and reasonable - or in the words of some authors, intangible beauty. There is, but the issue of rational beauty is much more addressed and has a wider range of meanings. Quranic words and interpretations also cover the whole universe and are not limited to the material world and the world of sensations. These words and expressions about beauty are very diverse, such as: grace, adornment, ornament and grace, among which grace with 189 repetitions in the divine word, is the most famous and most widely used aesthetic term in the Holy Qur'an. Hosn is mostly used in spiritual and semantic matters or so-called reasonable grace. Reasonable and tangible goodness in the field of philosophy can be followed before the Holy Quran in the opinions of Greek scholars, especially Plotinus. From contemplating, searching and deepening the verses of the Holy Quran, the impression is obtained for the audience of the text that this book has a comprehensive, complete and strong expression in which no weakness is seen and most of its verses are firm and strong and its concepts and instructions it is visible and has clarity and obviousness. However, despite the simple appearance of the verses of the Holy Quran, the depth of its contents is endless and during the last 14 centuries, with the addition of human knowledge and experience, new interpretations and codes and new meanings of Quranic verses different from previous periods have been understood.Therefore, according to the general cases stated, the semantic and close relationship of the verses of the Qur'an with each other and the absence of distortion, contradiction and difference from the Holy Qur'an as a miracle and a complete set, in examining and understanding the concepts in each subject, the whole subject should be And the types of examples presented in that chapter in the Qur'an together and according to the conditions of revelation and the dignity of the verses and most importantly the lexical meaning of each word and related words and how and number and .Its use together to be seen in part From the fact that in that chapter - and not all the material that can be extracted - it was found that the method of interpreting the Qur'an to the Qur'an is based on this approach.
In the present study, which sought to express the definition and view of the Qur'an on the category of beauty, according to the above approach, a comprehensive search was made in the verses of the Qur'an and knowledge of words related to the concept of beauty and it was found that in this heavenly book, words and concepts of beauty It has been proposed in a wide field that covers material matters and spiritual phenomena and has different layers and levels with multifaceted goals.
There are 18 words related to the category of Grace in the Qur'an, some of which are mentioned in this article. Each of these words has a frequent and special range that has commonalities and semantic differences with each other, for example, the word Hosn and its roots, which has the highest frequency among related words, is repeated 189 times in the Qur'an. In this article, many concepts along with their Quranic examples are given by looking at the relevant interpretations and narrations. The three words of goodness, grace and adornment with the meaning of grace have the most number of uses in the text of the Qur'an. The Holy Quran refers to the degree of beauty in appearance and inwardness. Reasonable beauties are the virtues of the universe and somehow return to the tangible world. According to the Qur'an, there is a relationship and correlation between tangible and sensible grace. In fact, the Qur'an considers material beauties as a bridge to understand and achieve rational beauty and truth. Therefore, the view of the Qur'an, unlike most of the ideas of philosophers and especially the schools of the modern age, whose main intellectual basis is based on individualism and humanism, does not consider a contradiction between tangible and reasonable grace and recognizes both concepts and puts them together.
Because the perception of this beauty is beyond the senses and depends on human intellect, it has been given the names of reasonable or intangible grace. The Qur'an refers to the degree of beauty in appearance and inwardness. Reasonable beauties are the virtues of the universe and somehow return to the tangible world. According to the Qur'an, there is a relationship and correlation between tangible and sensible beauty. In fact, the Qur'an considers material beauties as a bridge to understand and achieve rational beauty and the truth of God's essence. Therefore, the view of the Qur'an, contrary to most of the beliefs of philosophers, especially modern schools, whose main intellectual basis is based on individualism and humanism, does not distinguish between tangible and reasonable beauty and recognizes both concepts and uses them together.


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