بررسی ویژگی‌های عکس مستند هنری

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیارگروه نقاشی، دانشکده هنر و معماری صبا، دانشگاه شهید باهنر کرمان، کرمان، ایران (نویسنده مسئول).


عکاسی مستند یکی از قدیمی‌ترین و اصلی‌ترین شاخه‌های عکاسی است که هدفش ثبت و بازنمایی اشیاء، رویدادها و صحنه‌های مختلف جهان پیرامون به شکلی واقع‌نما، بی‌طرف و صادقانه است. بااین‌حال، ازآنجاکه عکاس مستند ثبت‌کننده خنثی و منفعل عناصر و صحنۀ پیش رویش نیست؛ عکس مستند نیز می‌تواند کارکردها و کیفیت‌های مختلفی به خود بگیرد. ازاین‌رو، با توجه به اهداف و قابلیت‌های گوناگون بازنمودی و بیانی عکاسی مستند، در این مقاله، به هدف بررسی و تبیین ویژگی‌های عکس مستند هنری، مفاهیمی چون بازنمایی، فرانمایی، صراحت، ابهام، توصیف و تفسیر را در رابطه با عکس مستند بررسی کرده‌ایم. همچنین، پرسش مطرح شده این است که عکس مستند به‌واسطۀ چه ویژگی‌هایی، وجه هنری به خود می‌گیرد و به عکس مستند هنری تبدیل می‌شود. روش پژوهش، توصیفی- تحلیلی و تطبیقی است و اطلاعات موردنظر از منابع کتابخانه‌ای جمع‌آوری شده است. نتیجۀ پژوهش بیانگر این است که عکس مستند هنری حاصل کنش هنری عکاس یعنی نگاه نو و متفاوت او به عناصر، رویدادها و پدیده‌های جهان واقعی است. در واقع، در عکس مستند هنری، سهم عکاس در مقام فاعل بازنما بیشتر از ابزار و موضوع خودنمایی می‌کند. لذا در عکس مستند هنری با غلبۀ جنبه‌های تألیفی، تفسیری، تلویحی و زیبایی‌شناختی روبرو می‌شویم. زیرا عکاس به‌جای ثبت صرف واقعیت بیرونی، به‌وسیلۀ بازنمایی نیت مند و خلاقانۀ صحنۀ پیش رویش، واقعیت جدیدی بازآفرینی می‌کند و مفاهیم موردنظر خویش را فرا می‌نماید. از این طریق، مخاطب نیز به درنگ وا‌داشته می‌شود تا پیرامون عکس تفکر و تخیل نماید.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Reviewing the features of documentary artistic photo

نویسنده [English]

  • A. mehdizadeh
Assistant Professor, Department of Painting, Saba School of Art and Architecture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran (Corresponding Author).
چکیده [English]

Documentary photography is one of the oldest and main branches of photography that Its purpose is to record and represent objects, events and various scenes around the world in a realistic, neutral and honest way. In fact, the main ability of documentary photography is its power of representation, descriptive and citation. Representation in documentary photography is a process that depends on the photographer's point of view, the elements of the outside world, the camera, and the definitions and requirements of documentary photography. However, documentary photography has a variety of representational and expressive capacities, and representation in documentary photography takes different forms and qualities. Because the documentary photographer is not necessarily the neutral and passive recorder of the scene in front of him.
Anyway, since the documentary photographer is not a neutral and passive recorder of the elements and the scene in front of him, the documentary photo can also take on different functions and qualities. If we accept understanding each branch of photography depends on familiarity with the functions and constraints of that branch and a documentary photographer is subject to the accepted definitions and requirements of documentary photography; So, logically, the possibility of creating an artistic documentary photo should be extracted from the specific features of documentary photography itself. Therefore, According to purposes and different representational and expressional capabilities of photography, concepts such as representation, regeneration, explicitly, ambiguity, description and interpretation in relation with documentary photo have been investigated in the current study to explain creation methods of documentary artistic photo and its characteristics and also answer this question that because of what features a photo obtains artistic features and transforms into a documentary artistic photo. What are the differences between an art documentary and a documentary. What is the quality, quality and different features of an artistic documentary compared to a documentary. However, the concept of art itself has always been subject to change and ambiguity; But critics, through some concepts related to art and the general expectations we have of works of art, discuss the artistic aspects of a work. These concepts have always been of interest to art critics and theorists Given the various purposes and functions of documentary photography, it seems that with their help it is possible to examine documentary photographs and describe and analyze their various aspects, especially art. Due to the diversity of different branches of documentary photography, the topics and results of this research can be used to better understand the different aspects of this branch of photography and classification and analysis of documentary photographs. On the other hand, this research has a practical aspect and its topics and results can also be used for education.
The study used descriptive-analytic and comparative research method and data has collected through library resources. In this study, based on the main and accepted characteristics and functions of documentary photography, the concepts of representation, transparency, clarity, ambiguity, description and interpretation have been tested in relation to documentary photographs. In this way, while describing the characteristics of documentary photographs, in contrast, the characteristics of artistic documentary photographs have been identified and explained.
 The findings showed that, In the documentary art documentary, instead of representing the real world in a straightforward and straightforward way, we are confronted with recreating a reality that is ambiguous; Because instead of merely describing a scene and event, it expresses the photographer's interpretation and brings him thoughts and views on a scene, event, or subject. In other words, documentary artistic photo is the result of photographer’s artistic action that is his new and different perspective towards real world. In fact, instead of merely transcending external reality, the photographer recreates new reality by deliberately and creatively representing the scene in front of him. Its elements and components are selected and combined in such a way that they express the photographer's interpretation and surround her opinion and point of view. In this way, the audience, in the face of the world of photography, is forced to make inferences and speculations about the presented subject and to think and imagine. Thus, in documentary artistic photo we are faced with the dominance of compilation, commentary and aesthetic aspects. In fact, in an artistic documentary, the photographer's share of the role of the playwright is more than the tools and the subject matter. Because a photographer recreates a new reality through creative representation of real affairs instead of reality and makes the audience to think and imagine about the represented topic. It seems that the concepts mentioned in this article can be discussed in other branches of photography as well and achieved useful and instructive results for recognizing their various aspects and test the artistic aspects of each branch of photography in this way.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • documentary photography
  • documentary artistic photo
  • representation
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