The Study of Identity Multiplicity in Cindy Sherman's Works with Freud's Psychoanalytic Approach

Document Type : Promotional article


1 M.A., Art Faculty, AL Zahra University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)

2 Assistant Professor, Painting Department, Art Faculty, AL Zahra University, Tehran, Iran


Subjects of contemporary art include numerous concerns, including man and his identity, which in the works of each artist, there is a difference in the way the technique is expressed and performed. After the Renaissance and the great changes of humanism, the creator of a work has become more important than before, and after passing through modernity and reaching postmodernity, he has led to the creation of works with different readings. After creation, the work of art acquires an identity independent of the creator, which is initially assimilated with the conditions and identity of the artist and is born from it and finds its path after birth, but with all these changes, it is an extract from the soul. Has the artist with him. One of the most important factors influencing this phenomenon is the effect of identity on the way of expressing the effect, which can be read in Freudian psychoanalytic approach. Social, human, cultural, and other issues are each separate and interrelated issues. The emergence of a work is directly related to the living and social conditions and other issues of the artist's life, which can be expressed in its own visual language. The artist's mental preoccupation plays an important role in creating the work. This can be an unresolved or concluded issue that manifests itself at any point in the artist's life and, in Jung's words, gives way to a dream and enters the real world, sometimes in the form of A work of art appears. In the postmodern period and beyond, all the rules that were once restrictive for the artist are removed and the artist applies his own unique rules and individual identity. One of the concerns of the contemporary artist is to create works that reflect the existential dimensions of his life. This type of detection implies repression that can be examined in psychoanalytic criteria. Cindy Sherman, a contemporary American artist and photographer, uses herself as a subject in her work. The purpose of examining Sherman's work is to show a kind of repression, repression, and escape from identity that is rooted in the past. Cindy Sherman, a prominent artist and photographer of the postmodern era, is one of the artists who has achieved a new language and a special look by transforming her visible identity and combining several branches of art by recording with a camera. The important question is whether Sherman's presence in all of his works is an emphasis on revealing his hidden identity. And whether the works of this artist can be considered as feedback against his own repressed identity? The purpose of asking these questions is to show the effects of the artist's lived experiences and its effects on his works, which can be examined in the form of psychoanalysis. In the present article, by expressing Freud's psychoanalytic theory in the form of repression and displacement, an attempt is made to show the effects of the events of the artist's life and the direct impact on his works. The writing of the leading article is based on descriptive-analytical research method and the method of collecting information is library type, using reputable internet sites and Cindy Sherman's personal Instagram page. Takes. The artist has created different works over several periods of work. However, their common feature is that the artist is the subject of all his works, and an important part of the writing also deals with this issue, which can be analyzed within the framework of Freud's divisions. The writing of this research is important because no serious study has been done on this type of self-expression in art, and it also shows the impact of important changes in an artist's life on his works, so that the contemporary artist finds a deeper connection between his life and work. Cindy Sherman is one of the postmodern artists who, without a feminist and biased view, has tried to show her identity throughout her life by transforming it into another form, which this multiplicity in identity and its relevance to Freud's psychoanalytic critique necessitates. Argues that research has not been addressed elsewhere from this perspective. According to Freud's classifications such as repression, repression, displacement, escape, and other factors, one consciously and unconsciously resorts to strategies such as art to get rid of these factors. Art is a way to get rid of these shortcomings. Cindy Sherman is a postmodern and post-modern artist who is one of the most prolific artists of all time; But in all his works and periods of work there is a common feature, and that is the subject of Sherman himself in the picture frame. A kind of seeing and being seen is a mechanism for defending against past repressions. In the slips of the tongue that he sometimes writes under his new works, he has reason to be aware of this kind of reaction. He consciously conceals his identity and sees it as a way to protest the status quo. The early periods of Sherman's work evoke spaces from the past that are depicted to find old pleasures, such as the use of dolls in some of his works, and the pursuit of childish pleasures, which in his works are distorted by The doll's appearance is interrupted. In his works, Sherman seeks an identity that he has pursued throughout his life, and his photographs illustrate this point. A way to escape or a way to boost happiness in an oppressed childhood. In all of her works, she seeks out a lost identity by playing different roles for different types of men and women, so that perhaps in the form of a role, her confusion may be reduced to some extent, while she has appeared more in the role of women and has no title for her works. Anonymity is also a reason to hide one's true identity. In some of his works, Sherman takes a protest look at the woman of today who has become an object and is being used more in the present society, a woman who uses every trick to maintain her physical attractiveness and seemingly safe position. Sherman does not claim to be a feminist, and the issue of being a woman is no different for her than being a human being, but she has challenged it all these years. As a result, Sherman's work can be seen as a response to his repressed identity, while he himself is relatively aware of it and uses the practice of photography to the best of his ability to find and conceal his identity. In his past life, Sherman has suffered from failures such as growing up in arid and religious families and unsuccessful marriages, which in reading his works have consequences such as hiding in a mask and escaping from circumstances, while also consuming society and playing with contemporary man. Has an objection.


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