تحلیل نشانه‌شناختی عنوان در آثار رسام عرب‌زاده

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری هنر اسلامی، دانشکده هنرهای صناعی اسلامی، دانشگاه هنر اسلامی تبریز، تبریز، ایران

2 دانشیار گروه پژوهش هنر ، دانشکده هنر دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران، نویسنده مسئول.


رسام عرب­زاده از جمله هنرمندان معاصر در حوزه طراحی و تولید فرش است. اکثر آثار ایشان حاوی عناوین مختلف ادبی، فرهنگی، عرفانی و فلسفی است. عناوینی که رسام­ عرب­زاده برای آثارش برگزیده نشان از قایل شدن اهمیت به عنوان اثر، علاوه بر خود اثر هستند. در این جستار، سعی بر آن است تا با استفاده از روش توصیفی- تحلیلی و با بهره­گیری از نشانه­شناسی، عناوین و متون مرتبط با آن در آثار ایشان مورد بررسی قرار گیرد. پژوهش حاضر ضمن بررسی عناوین آثار منتخب(۱۲مورد) از آثار رسام عرب­زاده به دنبال پاسخ‌گویی به این سوالات است که، چه ارتباطی بین دال(عنوان) و مدلول(متن) وجود دارد؟ و آیا عناوین آثار رسام­ عرب‌زاده ­در خوانش مفهوم متن اثر دخالت دارد؟ نتایج پژوهش نشان می­دهد، ضمن این‌که عنوان در آثار وی، مهم‌ترین و اساسی‌ترین درگاه ورود به آن اثر است، ارتباط تنگاتنگی با مفاهیم آن اثر دارد. از سویی، ذهن خواننده را به چالش کشیده، فرضیه‌هایی برای او مطرح ساخته و او را به خوانشی عمیق از متن اثر تحریک می­کند. عنوان در آثار رسام عرب­زاده در خوانش متن آثار بسیار موثر بوده و در اغلب موارد به عنوان بخشی از اثر نیز می‌تواند باشد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Semiotic Analysis of the Title in Rasam Arabzadeh's Carpets

نویسندگان [English]

  • A. Yaghoubzadeh 1
  • H. Pourmand 2
1 PhD student in Islamic Art, Faculty of Islamic Industrial Arts, Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, Tabriz, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Art Research Department, Faculty of Arts, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author).
چکیده [English]

RasamArabzadeh is one of the contemporary artists in the field of designing and producing carpet.  Rasam Arabzadeh’s artworks are deconstructive and different with traditional carpets in terms of form and visual elements; also strange and deconstructive. Rasam Arabzadeh selected different titles for them for semiotic function. Most of his artworks contain various literary, cultural, gnostic and philosophical titles. The titles chosen by Arabzadeh for his works show the importance of the work in addition to the work itself. One of the new ways to study a text in the current of thought is to analyze and critique the titles and names of literary and artistic works that can express the intellectual developments and developments that govern a text on the one hand and the general atmosphere of thought on the creator of that text on the other hand. Titles are signifier that use for detection of context and their concepts and attracting audience at the beginning of context.
Titles are one of the important elements of every work. Titles are first connecter between audience and   author which appear in one of these forms:  lingual sign, symbol and also they can create signified on audience mind.
The importance of title on Rasam Arabzadeh’s artworks is not just for distinction or identity but title can be first sign that ever person encounter with them and they help to understand well. Hence, a role can be given to the title in this process. The title as an artist strategy such as having functions such as narrative and metaphorical functions.
Each title shows one of the aspects of the text. If the title can show the most colorful and important subject and aspect, naming is done correctly. Hence, the title is the most prominent and main message of the text that is emphasized. Some believe that the name which is selected by author is a reflection of his mind. Some of authors name their works just for discriminate them for authors and audiences which who them. The importance of title is not for distinction, it can show quality of its being made and the function as well. Title is the first sign that audience encounter with it. There is a meaningful relation between a content and the title so audience can understand the subject.
In this research, we try to use the descriptive-analytical method and using semiotics to examine the titles and related texts in his works. The method of this research on the base of purpose is fundamental and qualitative and descriptive-analytical. The assemblage of data is library and field and internet.
The present research, investigates the titles of the selected works (12 items) of Rasam Arabzadeh,  which seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What’s the relation between titles of Rasam Arabzadeh’s carpet and context?
2. How can the titles of Rasam’s carpets show the base purpose of author?
3. Do analysis of titles of Rasam Arabzadeh’s Artworks refer audience to understand Rasam Arabzadeh’s idea?
Audience have to think more  about titles of Rasam’s Artworks and these titles have gnostic, literary and philosophic concepts by usage of Hafez and Molana and Khayyam thoughts and others. These concepts appear by sign and symbol and allegory on contexts.
The titles of Rasam Arabzadeh’s carpets are:
1. Literary and cultural
2. Gnostic
3. Philosophic
Rasam Arabzadeh chose titles for his artworks in different methods:
1. The name of artwork according content
2. The name of artwork according a piece of poem of content with relation to its subject
3. Title according to massage which is the purpose of author
4. The name of artworks according to the form of artwork
5. Without any relation between signifier (title) and signified (context)
The results of the research show that while the title in his works is the most important and basic gateway to that work, it is closely related to the concepts of that work. On the other hand, it challenges the reader's mind, makes hypotheses for him and stimulates him to a deep reading of the text of the work. The title in the works of Rasam Arabzadeh is very effective in reading the text of the works and in most cases it can be a part of the work.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Keywords: Title
  • Carpet
  • Rasam Arabzadeh
  • Semiotics
  • Readings Text
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URL1: http://rasammuseum.com( Access date 2018.1.3)