Development and Prioritization of Turkmen Handicrafts Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Strategies with SWOT / AHP Combination Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author).

2 Master Student of Industrial Management, Quality and Productivity Field, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

3 Master Student of Handicrafts, Faculty of Arts, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


The use of strategic planning models in various industrial sectors has become commonplace. In fact, the business environment includes economic infrastructure, the health of the administrative system, social security, stability in economic policies, laws and regulations, the quality of the judiciary, etc., which have a direct impact on the performance of companies, but their change goes beyond the authority of corporate executives. Accordingly, due to the importance of the business environment, several international reports on the ranking of the business environment of countries are published every year, each of which uses a special approach to report on the business environment of countries. Therefore, due to the importance of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, in this research, an attempt is made to examine the analysis of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Turkmen ethnic jewelry using the SWOT method. The aim of this study, considering the nomadic life of Turkmen tribes from ancient times and the lack of written sources on nomadic life, is to refer to sources of knowledge on how to produce and use Turkmen jewelry limited to the sayings and hearings of the elderly and those currently producing. On the other hand, this research can be considered as an innovation research that has been analyzed for the first time in Iran by the analysis of ergonomic entrepreneurship ecosystem of Turkmen ethnic jewelry. The research method is a case study in the form of qualitative and quantitative methods using descriptive-analytical methods. To collect the required information, library studies and field studies have been used. In the first phase, interviews were conducted with people who have jewelry workshops to gain a community-based perspective. After consulting them, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Turkmen jewelry production were identified based on the SWOT model. Then, according to the experts, the weight was given and then, according to the existing realities of jewelry production, an attempt was made to provide executive strategies to get out of the current situation. The experimental master of Turkmen jewelry making was interviewed as an expert in this field and also 2 professors were interviewed as university experts. In the next step, AHP method was used to calculate the weight of each index and rank them in such a way that a questionnaire was designed to be appropriate to the obtained indicators and was provided to handicraft experts at the university level. This research is applied in terms of purpose and analytical in terms of descriptive nature. The research findings showed that there is a high potential for the development of this industry in the region, so that one of the important opportunities in this sector is the diversity of Turkmen jewelry, which can play an important role in attracting more customers due to today's competitive market. An important issue in today's business is innovation in diversity, especially in industry. One of the advantages of jewelry is that it is handmade, and in the new era, because it requires a small fee to set it up, a large number of young people in the region can enter the industry and lead to entrepreneurship. One of the advantages of this industry is the great elegance in this sector. This industry attracts a lot of customers' attention due to its high elegance, and it can be considered as a competitive advantage. It is also unique in that it can be said that due to the characteristics of the jewelry in this area, it can be said that it can be seen in few places in the world and its usability is another important point of this industry that is used in the new era. Jewelry has become commonplace. One of the serious issues that threatens the industry at the regional level is the presence of brokers, lack of effective marketing, lack of support for manufacturing workshops, low number of craftsmen in this art, buying intermediaries at low prices and selling them at multiple prices to exporting countries. Use of this product by Turkmen relatives and Mass production by neighboring countries, the tendency of domestic consumers to modern products and the economic situation and the imposition of sanctions can affect the market of this industry, but it can be said that given the opportunities and strengths in this sector can overcome these threats. The results indicate that Turkmen tribes are the most unique ornaments with the highest weight with the most priority strategy in the field of handicrafts. As a result, activists in the field of handicrafts under study should use their strengths to make the most of the opportunities ahead.


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