Aesthetics in Divine Oration of the Holy Quran1


Abstract Aesthetics is one of the most fundamental and essential topics which is originated back to Plato and even farther. Presently It has been existed through Islamic and contemporary western intellectual and theorist’s views. Religious art is one the intellectual attempts which is practiced to comprehend and perceive the reality of existence .Since The Quran, as a phenomenon writhen miracle, could be studied in diverse aspects , the present research carries out functions ,relation ,comparability and distinctness between aesthetics and religious art through interdisciplinary broad studies by analytical-comparative approach underscoring divine oration of the Holy Quran .The deduction of this research that is accentuated distinguish aspects of textual miracle from artistic and literary extends does not import the ignorance of profound content of the Holy Quran but attempts to signify its structural, lingual and figurative beauties and also its linguistic connection which is remained pristine after centuries and still flourish.
