The Semiotic Study of Script Media to Persian Calligraphy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor at Department of Information Technology, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Visual Communication, Apadana Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, Iran


Signs are the only meaningful tools of communication that their unique properties in affirmation of cultural and historical context reveals how human knowledge grows which can be investigated by emphasizing the relationships between the signs and their meanings with the outside world. Sign system and its relation to the signage process is a subject which discussing about it is possible based on dependency of sign investigation, the process of their emergence as well as the various implications of signs and their application.Charles Sanders Peirce is one of the thinkers who discovered these implications and access to the hidden meanings of signs, by classifying its features in figurative and symbolic forms, in a point of view as a sign system and has addressed the relationship between them in the ratio of the sign with the context of its occurrence and the interpreter as signage process.In this trend, the signs act in the form of visual media which the quality of their mission in transmitting the message depends on the recognition of the signs and their proper classification since each sign is, on the one hand, dependent on other signs and related components and on the other hand, is variable in terms of its application, which is presented in different communication textures corresponding to different cultures, civilizations. This leads to signs always being considered as a language. Also, different forms considered it to have a diverse linguistic structure with distinct functions. In this regard, the present study is trying to analyze the semiotics of the evolution of calligraphy to Persian calligraphy, relying on the two areas of the sign system and the process of signification. The main question is, how can one make the connection between the semiotic developments of calligraphy and calligraphy with the sign system and the process of notation based on their commonalities? Furthermore, what is the difference between the sign system and the evolution of Script into calligraphy? The main purpose of the research is to explain the fields of dependence of common roots between Script and writing with the semiotic system. Also, the sub-objectives of the research are that first, despite receiving structural differences, while there are fundamental components between the two, their unity in explaining a similar theme such as the sign is achieved. Then, in order to analyze the semiotics of the media course of script to calligraphy in relation to the sign system and the process of signification, to study and study the course of these developments. It also seeks to explain its effective capabilities as the inheritor of human deep thoughts and creativity from the earliest times of human culture and civilization to the present day, in explaining similar themes such as visual cues. With these interpretations, in spite of previous research, the necessity of such a study is based on the distinct analysis and reading of script to calligraphy developments, in a scientific framework and with a specific semiotic approach, which gives the opportunity to look at the history of Iranian art differently. Role is a sign that has remained intact, both in terms of theoretical foundations and in terms of aspects discussed. Therefore, the importance of studying and establishing the relationship between the two is an achievement that does not have a significant background. The methodology of this research is analytical and using the study of written library resources and visual documents and according to Peirce's views, it is among the developmental researches. It also qualitatively shows that the semiotic analysis obtained from the study of visual documents of script to calligraphy, makes it possible to understand its commonality with the sign system and the process of signification. To this end, due to the vastness of the historical scope of script and calligraphy developments, it has first tried to study and divide calligraphy developments in the stages of calligraphy, thought writing, transliteration and alphabet. Then the objective instance of the written visual cues and its implicit meanings in each period should be applied separately to the punctuation classification. For this purpose, the images have been selected from the statistical population of the visual documents of calligraphy transformation in such a way as to cover as much as possible the course of visual and symbolic developments of script to calligraphy from the beginning to the present. It also reveals more precise and tangible differences in sign differences and the goals of rising from their meanings. Because only with a proper understanding of the concept of sign and its effect during stylistic differences is the evolution of script to calligraphy, which can be examined to match the role of the sign with the desired practical and artistic process. The research findings show that script and calligraphy in the course of their developments have always created an innovative visual language that can be searched for in various symbolic, index, symbolic and abstract sign systems. However, the relationship between it and the process of signification and in the form of semantic belonging, manifestation and interpretation is also revealed.


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