Review of Lotus Flower Motif in the Egypt, Iran and India Art



The present research is an attempt to investigate the characteristics of lotus, its holy aspect in India, Iran, and Egypt civilizations, the Lotus evolution, in the mentioned civilizations and also the Legend and the gods of above mentioned civilizations had the water liliy’ssymbol. In each civilization,is the special character of legend and gods which are shown in the pictures by Lotus. Lotus,in Iranian civilization,it is the symbol of Ahooramazda,Anahita and Mehr. In Indian civilization,is the symbol of gods , such as Lakshemi , Wishnoo , Berahma and Buddah.In the ancient Egypt civilization , Lotus is the symbol of Ra’ ,Hooros , Nefertom , ozeris , etc. What caused the Lotus holiness , are living in water , the special state in its growth and also the adorable presence of gods by the water liliy. This research is done through the descriptive, historical, and comparative methods using the available written references and resources, taking index, and also documents in libraries are used to gather information. This research is done adoptably in the mentioned civilizations, considering the ancientness of the flower and the flower’s symbols. Considering the scientists’ theory and the available documents, this flower(lotus) comes from Egypt. It is then sent to Iran and India, respectively, and by passing the time it has gone native. Considering the researches have been taken, Lotus is named as the symbols of nobility , spiritual growth , perfection and human’s birth circle and maturity.
