Satisfaction and Compliance with Covering Standards of Nurses and Patients in Pediatric Ward (Case Study: Shiraz Ghadir Mother & Child Hospital)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Textile Design Department, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding Author)

2 Master of Textile Design, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


 Characteristics of uniforms of nurses and patients admitted to internal medicine and pediatric emergencies of Shiraz Ghadir Mother & Child Hospital as one of the most important pediatric treatment centers in the first half of 2016 in terms of design, material and color according to national and global standards was reviewed. The quality and features of nurses’ uniforms and also pediatric hospital gowns in terms of design, model, material and color according to national and global standards in the hospitals are important. A child nurse is employed to care for infants, children and adolescents in these areas. The uniforms in these sections vary depending on the place of work. Nurses’ uniforms in this section should reflect professionalism, cleanliness and fit with their work environment. In many medical centers, baby nurses wear scrubs. The scrub uniform includes a lightweight short-sleeved blouse with trousers available in a variety of designs with baby designs and colors. In some hospitals, colored scrubs are used to make patients more easily diagnosed in different units. Nurses, usually in scrub clothes, feel more comfortable and moving. Research Questions: To what extent is the nursing and hospitalized patients complied with the standards of the Ministry of Health coverage and how much satisfiable is that? The aim of this study is analyzing the features of nurses and hospitalized children’s clothing, along with improving quality and optimizing their standard. According to national standards for hospital staff and patients, the general form of uniforms is determined by the hospital head and human resources manager. Outside Iran today, non-surgical scrubs are recognized as acceptable forms for nurses that are available in a variety of designs and colors for both men and women. Scrub literally means clean and sterile. Scrub is a garment used by surgeons, doctors, nurses and other staffs who come into contact with the patient and is available in both sterile and non-sterile forms. In general, patients' clothing should be easily accessible to the body and be of pure or blended natural cotton fibers, cheerful colors and fabrics appropriate to children. Nurses’ clothing should be cut, pocketed with wrist embroidered straps and made of natural fibers. In terms of objective, this is an applicable study with analytical and descriptive research method. The type of research is descriptive in terms of purpose, and the research method is descriptive-analytical. The data were collected by simple random sampling and SPSS software and descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used for data analysis. For this study, the purpose and how it works was given to different units of the mentioned hospital and oral consent was taken from them. The results showed that the design, material and color of the nurses’ uniforms were satisfiable and the views of parents of hospitalized children, on average were satisfactory, in average level and consistent with the standards of the Ministry of Health. The findings showed that despite changes in nurses’ and patients’ clothing throughout history, clothing now adheres to a specific standard in terms of fabric, color and type of sewing. Nurses’ uniforms in children’s ward is cut with pocket with ribbed embroidery, bright and cheerful colors and in  terms of material, with cotton fabrics (Tetron or Trigal) that can be washed repeatedly and can be ironed easily. The characteristics of the hospitalized children’s clothes are blouses and pants and hats that are open and loose with no irritation or sensitivity. Also according to the observations it was concluded that nurses’ uniforms in terms of design, material and color have been satisfactory. The findings of this study highlight the importance of proper design for nurses’ clothing in hospitals, especially nurses in pediatric wards and in compliance with national and international standards. Also, hospitalized children’s clothing is very important in design, material and color and is very effective in their morale. Factors such as age, material, type of illness, family circumstances and child morale are influenced by the level of anxiety during the hospitalization. These emotions can be mitigated by the appropriate design and selection of clothing colors and the sense of comfort and happiness can be enhanced by patients’ clothing and nurses’ clothing in hospitalized children.


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