An Analysis of the Visual Qualities of Two Narrative Curtains of Qajar Era (With an Emphasis on Similarities & Differences)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Textile & Clothing Design, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author).

2 M.A. of Textile & Clothing Design, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


Curtain design is one of the common forms of textile design during the Qajar era. Knitting methods, types of dying designs, application of specific mediums for decoration, crochet works, the type of stories to be narrated and the place where the curtains were used all added to the curtain's validity. Today, some samples of this art is being kept at Iran and world museums.
Two narrative curtains of Qajar period kept at Malek and Niavaran Museums have human and other figures with almost similar sizes. Therefore, the authors intend to compare them in order to check similarities and differences in their patterns and textures. The study aims to answer these questions: What are visual and conceptual properties in the two aforesaid curtains? And what are their similarities and differences in narrative content?
The main objectives of the study include the survey of the content of the two narrative curtains and elaborate upon the thoughts and ideas of Iranian artists in creating these arts of the Qajar era. The results indicate that in this era, the narrative illustration of the approved historical and mythological fables based on the principles of clothing and set design of Qajar era has been very common. Enlargement of the main characters and the use of printing along with knitting and crochet work, the way of placing the authorities in the composition of the narration is outstanding in the art of Qajar period. The study employs historical-analytical method of research with a qualitative approach. Data has been collected using desk study of primary resources as well as the historical accounts available at the museums.


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