Study Flower and vase motifs in Tile work of historical baths

Document Type : Research Paper


M.A. of Archaeology, Sub-Discipline: Islamic Period, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran (Corresponding Author).


The design of abstract vases with Khatai flowers (One of the major schemes and contractual Decorative Arts of Iran that is used gilding carpet and tile, and it is the horn chart layout, tree or shrub with flowers and leaves and buds), in Safavid period, and realistic vase with Qajar’s fresh flowers, are among the designs which widely used in tiling in these two periods.An abstract vase design, and eleven realistic vases with fresh flowers, in the tiling of historical bathrooms have been remained. What are the flower motifs in the tiling of Iranian bathrooms? What is the position of vase designs of the Princesses bathrooms in the turning of abstract vase motifs in the Safavid era? This article aims to introduce and study designs of vase in the tiling of bathrooms, especially the existing vase design in Princesses bathrooms. According to studies, vase design of Princesses bathrooms, has a structure similar to that of the mid-Safavid period and probably, is the oldest remaining example of the application of abstract vases In the Iranian tiling of bathroom. The realistic drawing of the body of the vases, low-twist stems and importance of flowers, design of vase, and emphasis on the central branch, are from the features of this sample. It is also appear that vase design in different cities, has its own unique features, such as the difference in the form of vases, framing the tile and a way of drawing the flowers. Over time, the motifs have become more crowded and busier. Flower Vases related to Qajar era in the bathroom, in cases such as form of body, how to paint, framing style of the tile painting, floral differences in terms of type, size and color scheme and the application of European Art makes the possibility of a certain local style to design and draw the vases motifs in the bathroom. This article is done with the descriptive and analytical approach and field and library style.


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