The study of visual attributes in Kamal al-Din Behzad's works Case Study: The Effect (Sima Darvishan)

Document Type : Research Paper


Instructor of Textile & Clothing Design, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author).


Throughout the centuries, Iranian artists have created arts with their clever and refined taste, which at the same time are both sensual and spiritual. In the monograph (Sima Dervishyan) of the works of Kamal al-Din Behzad, there are irrelevant layers that the analysis and interpretation of these hidden and unknown layers is the object of this research. It is assumed that with the view of the foundations of visual arts and design of clothes, we can find a meaningful relationship between the concepts of form, theme, composition, and color in the writing (Sema Dervishian). The present research seeks to answer the following questions: Are the elements and elements used in the desired work for a particular purpose and destination? What techniques did the painters of the Muslim artist use to introduce their thinking?
 The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and is carried out using documentary and library data. Investigation of the figure and cover of the pictures in (Sema Dervishin) Behzad and analysis of the visual attributes of the form, composition, color, light and darkness have shown that in the design of the clothing of the dervish from the symbol of loose and long looms with longer sleeves Of size, reflects the respect for the beloved divine status, and the state of devotion and authority, and the abandoned scarves in the neck and even abandoned in the text, each with specific content. The presentation of human and spiritual modes in combining and designing the clothes is also in line with the innovative symbolism for sensing the audience.


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