A Comparative Study of Literary Works’ Illumination of the Timurid & Safavid Era (Shahnameh Baysonqori & the Shahnameh of Shah Tahmasb)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Instructor, Art Group, Humanities Faculty, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardebil, Iran

2 B.A. of Miniature, Humanities Faculty, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardebil, Iran.


Beginning in the late 13th century A.D, decorative motifs were employed differently by the Iranian painters in illustrated literary books. This new illumination technique gradually became popular during the 15th A.D under the Timurid rule. The illumination used in the most important literary works of the era, i.e. Baisonqori Shahnameh and the Shahnameh of Shah Tahmasb, indicate the existing ties and progress of the art of book illumination during the two aforesaid periods, and their distinctive features provide ample basis for their study.
Employing desk study of library resources, the study has been conducted using comparative-descriptive method of research aiming to investigate the visual features of the two epopees dating to Timurid and Safavid eras and identify the similarities and differences in their illumination components. Questions in the survey include: What colors are more used in illumination of these two epopees? In what direction and to what extent is the development of Illumination? What is the different between shapes, motifs and forms used in these two epopees?
The results indicated that in the illumination of Baisonqori Shahnameh, foral patterns (Khatai) and arabesques designs have been employed in separate frames with the arabesque designs used in the margins. The floral patterns (Khatai) and arabesques designs in illumination of Shahnameh of Shah Tahmasb show a high diversity and have been used alongside each other in regular curves. Gold and blue color constitutes the dominant colors in this work of art as well while the use of colors such as red and black have increased. As compared to Baisonqori Shahnameh, the decorations used in the context of Shahnameh of Shah Tahmasb are more detailed and its tables are more comprehensive. In general, despite being influenced by the art of the pervious eras, the illumination of Shahnameh of Shah Tahmasp have more delicate motifs and designs and more diverse templates.


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‌URL1. http://shahnama.caret.cam.ac.uk
URL2. www.ed.ac.uk