A Study of the Visual Criteria of Logotypes of the Five-Star Hotels Chain in the World

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Graphic Design, Art University of Tehran, Iran

2 M.A. of Graphic Design, Art University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author).


One of the fields of logo design, usually undertaken by capable and experienced graphic designers, is logotype design of world five-star hotels. Study and Research of these logos can lead to better performance in the field of logo design and ultimately graphic design for hotels. The present research has been conducted to study the visual features of logotypes of the world five-star hotels. The main hypothesis of the present paper is that 'serif' lettering has been used in the logotype design of the hotels.
The research method is quantitative-descriptive and library resources were consulted and field studies made to acquire data. The target society is the logos of the world's five star hotels. A number of 110 logos, meant for this research, have been selected on random, unpredictable manner and statistically checked through quantative methods. The research tool in this study is a questionnaire using which the visual elements of the sample logos have been tested. Finally, the results have been reflected using figures and statistics.
The result of this research indicate the following: the overall shape of the logos are horizontal and rectangular in shape and mostly asymmetrical in composition; the dominant lines are generally curved and the logo designs mostly belong to serif lettering group; the spaces between the letters are compressed; approximately three-quarters of logos are monochromatic and golden color are mostly found therein.


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