The Role Check & Iranian Identity of Women in the Images of Women Portrayed during the 80s, 90s & 2000s in Keyhan Bacheha Magazine

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof. of Art Group,Payam-e Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Prof. of Visual Communications, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 M.A. of Art Research, Payam-e Noor University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author).


This paper examines the Iranian-Islamic identity and role of women reflected in the imagesof women portrayed in the 80s, 90s and 80s Solar Hijri (80s, 90s and 2000s of the Gregorian calendar.) in 'Keyhan Bachehha' Journal. Due to the fact that women can play a decisive and controlling role in the structure of their family and community, a more critical look at the status of women in public media, particularly those of the children's magazines deems necessary.
One of the most popular magazines among the Iranian children is 'Keyhan Bachehha'; since children are more disposed to imitation in these ages and lack of attention in the selection of the journals images may lead to the replacement of elements of western culture with those of theIranian ones, efforts should be made to improveIranian children'soutlook regardingethnic, local and religious values.
Those fundamental elements of Iranian national identity surveyed in this paper include:  geography and environmental factors, Islam, face components, clothing, motifs, colors, and so on. To this end, 1440 issues of Keyhab Bacheha journal- published over three decades, were reviewed from among which, 10 more representative images of each decade were selected for analysis. Again, two representative pictures were selected as examples for examination in this study.
Conducted through descriptive-analytical method of research of information collected using desk study of library resources, the study results indicate that the women portrayed in the magazines of these three decades often appear in typical social roles. Moreover, the illustration of the women during the 80sboasts of more Iranian identity as compared to those of the90s and 2000s decades.


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