A Comparative Study of Architectural Decorative Motifs of Saint Stephanos and GharaKelisaChurches with Ancient Iran Architectural Decoration(A Study of the Sun, Cedar and Lotus Motifs)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A.Stud. Of Islamic Art, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran, (Corresponding Author). Sahar.zekavat@shahed.ac.ir

2 Ph.D Stud. of Islamic Art, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.


Motifs used in Iranian architecture decorations are among interesting research topics of historical monuments artists in Iran.motifs used in Gharakelisa, Saint Stephanos church are inspired by the architectural motifs used of Mithraism religion in ancient Iran. Present research will analyze motifs of sun, cross, lotus flower and cedar in architectural decorations of Armenian churches and IranianArt. Research method of present study is descriptive- analytical and its of qualitative type research with comparative approach. The main parts of present research have been conducted based on library and field studies. Most decorative elements used in Armenian churches and architectural of ancient Iran monuments are motifs of the sun, lotus flower and cedar.
Present research aims to study motifs of sun, cross, lotus flower and cedar in Christian and Mithraism religions, to find the similarities and differences in Iranian ancient art and Iranian Christian art. Research questions are as fallow:what is the extend of motifs inspiration of Armenian churches from Mithraism religion in ancient Iran, and if these motifs are similar to each other?
Results indicate that the Iranian art of Mithraism religion went through a conceptual and religious transformation in the 900s, as a result of its association with Christianity, and thus survived to continue its life cycle. ­The influences of Mithraism motifs are evident in architectural decorations of these Armenian churches. These Motifs are very similar to each other and partly close togetherin terms of design and form.          


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