The Study of Human Motifs in Golestan Palace (Kakheh Golestan) Complex’s Tiles

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof. of Painting, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran, (Corresponding Author).

2 M.A. of Visual Communication, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.


The Golestan Palace complex, residence of Qajar dynasty monarchs, is considered one of the most beautiful and oldest buildings of Iran. This palace consists of a variety of buildings placed beside each other at a large area. The ancient area of Golestan Palace is covered by a lot of tile works decorations. These tiles are a visual set of diverse motifs of national and historical concepts; all portraying and illustrating social and political characteristics and circumstances of Qajar era. The authors of present papar made attempts to investigate the feature of tiles motifs in ancient area of Golestan Palace. What has been studied in present research is the presence of human motif as one of the main Qajar motifs in this building. Accordingly, the following research questions were addressed: Which motifs have been used in the tile works of the ancient area of Golestan Palace? How have been the human motifs depicted in Golestan Palace area? The required data were collected by means of documentary (library) and field surveying approaches and a historical - analytical method was used. The results indicate that human motifs of men and women are amongst the significant motifs which have been depicted in different realistic and abstract formats. Motifs of men are more regular than woman’s, and the wester methods had a great effect on depicting human motifs depicting and characters’ clothing. Aside from westernization, motifs have kept Iranian intellectual originality in thematic format. Therefore, we can see a linkage between Iranian and European art in human motifs of Golestan Palace area.


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