A Study of Designs, Symbols and Their Roots in Kerman’s Contemporary Patehs

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Prof. of Costume & Textile Design, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran,

2 M.A. of Handicraft, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran, (Corresponding Author)


Pateh is a kind of needlework in Kerman province. Pate-Doozi is the burnish of the religious and cultural beliefs of people of Kerman while protecting its artistic and symbolic values. Kerman’s talented women turn scarf into the burnish of the needs, ideals, wishes and requests are rooted in their religion. Actually pattern and colors of Pate-Doozi is an indication of this art’s relationship with beliefs and tradition culture of the area, which finally, with are manifested by means of Pate-Doozi. Present study is based on the theory that patterns in Kerman’s Pate-Doozi art are formed according to culture and hemisphere of this region’s resistance; and studies these patterns based on a symbolic procedure.
to provide a significant relationship between Pate pattern, we have analyzed them by considering them based on common culture, beliefs and thoughts of people in Kerman. This survey has resulted in indicating the determining situation of people’s beliefs and the regional climate in shaping Pate patterns. Since the artist is trying to show his/her ideal image of nature, he/she selects heavenly and divine patterns for the Pate; and snice he/she requests what he/she desires from nature, uses the Bird patterns – with a symbolic meaning of asking for rain to fall; and while sewing his/her pains and suffering on Pate, the whole scarf’s background is covered and illustrated by bush like motifs – which hold a symbolic meaning in itself.  
Data used in this study was gathered from library resources, documents (figurative) and field work based on a descriptive-analytical procedure.


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