Comparative Analysis of Good and Evil in Two Illustrations of Master Farshchiyan, Abraham and Siavash in Fire(With a regard to Form and Content)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associated prof. of Fine arts, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A. of Fine Arts, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran, (Corresponding Author)


the good and evil have bilateral meanings from perfection to decadence of humanity. mankind considers everything leading to the God as good and whatever distancing him/her from divine nature is considered evil. The good vs. evil is is a very extended discussion in Humanities and Theology but the volume of studies based on form and meaning based on artistic point of view are very limited. In most studies, the expression of good and evil themes has been studied from an analytical and descriptive perspective while the current research intends to present a comparative analysis of the subjects of good and evil in two relevant paintings having the same content from the perspective of the one artist (Master Farshchiyan). This analysis is executed to confirm the hypothesis that even similar themes cannot be a factor for creating works of art with similar allusions and metaphors in the mind of an artist and this in turn indicates the dynamism and prosperity of the mind and craft of the artists over time.
Present paper aims to examine the theme of goods and evils present in the stories of “Abraham” and “Siavash” and to show enlightening aspects of each story by a comparative study of the elements of good and evil in two paintings including “Ibrahim in Fire” and “Siavash in Fire” as two valuable works of Farshchiyan. Present research is a qualitative study and done based on a comparative aspect due to the similarities between the subject of two illustrations. The data was gathered based on library documents and sources.


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