Role of Environmental Graphic and the Characteristics of Urban Furniture in Separation of Wastes, Case Study: Shiraz

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant prof.of Graphics, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran,

2 M.A. of Graphics, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran,Iran


Trash bins are elements of urban furniture which not only have a functional role, but also effect on the environment beauty and its identification. Now a day, due to the different methods of waste disposal and recycling, waste separation in the production place is another function of trash bins. A huge amount of waste produced today can be recycled and returned to the consumption cycle. In Iran, a high percentage of these products are disposed of in other ways due to the lack of separation of various materials in the wastes. Considering the environmental graphic in design and implementation of urban trash bins, while respecting the characteristics of urban furniture, they also can help beautification and separation of waste from the production site. Present research was conducted using desk and field research methods, and some pictures of trash bins in various waste recycle stations of Shiraz were randomly collected and analyzed with descriptive and analytical methods. Results indicate that environmental graphic, as an important factor in urban legibility, design of pictograms, signs and trash bins with special colors and designs, can be effective in educating and encouraging citizens to collect and separate waste from source; and it can have a significant impact on the identity and beauty of city with respect to characteristics of urban furniture in the design and implementation of recycle bins.


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