Spatial Fluidity and Animated Perspectives in Rhizomatic Approach toward Art Education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate prof. of Music & Dramatic Arts, Tehran University of Fine Arts, Tehran,ran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Cinema and Theater, University of Art, Tehran, Iran

3 Ph.D. Student of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Rasht,Iran


Questioning the concept of space and location has turned into a fundamental issue in education theory due to the effect of “Spatial turn” and considering the importance of “Space” in regard to producing knowledge and the concept of truth. Gilles Deleuze, French post-structuralist philosopher, along with Felix Guattari in their book, "A Thousand Plateaus", employs the rhizome to introduce a new paradigm in the relationship between space and knowledge. Present study aims to prove this hypothesis that using rhizomatic spatial space in art classes can create an environment for creation and innovation, presenting many opportunities and capacities in regard to art education. The importance of diversity and multiplicity of rhizome model converts the classroom to a space with shifting and fluid perspectives, which stands completely in contrast to traditional pedagogical environment with a homogeneous single perspective. It might be argued that one of the major achievements of employing rhizomatic space in the art theory classes is the juxtaposition and combination of disparate perspectives and heterogeneous viewpoints in relation to an artwork and can overcome the logic of single meaning in an art work. Present paper is a theoretical study, using descriptive – analytical method and gathering data by library resources and documentation.


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