Study of Siraf Plant Motif in Relief Works of Sassanid Era

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Al-Zahra, group painting

2 MA in visual communication, Tehran University Center


stucco art is one of decorative arts in Iran building architecture decorated most parts of pre-Islamic palaces and buildings. One of unique Iranian stucco is plants patterns, plenty of them were found in Sassanid palaces. These patterns in stucco are abstract patterns of nature and consist of various forms like palm, grape, pomegranate, lotus, and multilateral flower. Sassanid in relief motifs were made of gyps, And play significant role in decorative art and cover brick walls and rubble walls. Gyps were worked as cubic plaque and carving in monarch building decorations in which it was used various plants, Geometric, Symbolic and etc. In Sassanid rock sculpture it was used large in relief motifs with huge stone form in 32 in relief motifs most of them located in Fars. Siraf in relief motifs belong to Sassanid era in which various samples of plant patterns had seen clearly. Due to Siraf motifs following questions raised:
What plant patterns were used in Siraf in relief motifs?
Is there any similarity between Siraf plant patterns with other plant patterns of Sassanid era?
This research aims to study Siraf motifs plant patterns in Sassanid era. It was concluded that Siraf motifs are symbolic forms and also it was emphasized on its decorative aspects. This is an analytic- historical research and data gathered in documentary-library method.


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