Combinative Imagination and Its Manifestation in Mystical Language of Contemporary Art

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant prof. of Graphics, Isfahan Art University, Isfahan


Present paper tries to consider the relationship between science, art and religion from past till present besides the role of imagination and creativity as the most important connecting factor  of these areas and study various types of imagination such as combinative imagination and intuitive imagination from eastern and western scientists and philosophers’ point of view.
Considering the “pure structure” as a common element in various worldviews is manifested throughout the whole paper which have a close relationship such as internal understanding, absolute truth and mysticism. The author believes that it is possible to create a link between art, religion and science by means of imagination and have a new understanding and interpretation of realities in this world by means of that; and to do so, we need a deeper connection and coexist among civilization to achieve a new concept of art. Islamic civilization can play a determining role in such pioneering change due to owning great mystical resources. Present paper is a fundamental research, gathering data from library resources and context analysis.


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