Archaism: An Expressive Method for Neo-Traditionalists (With Regard to Pioneers of Saqakhaneh School)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Prof. of Art Research, Alzahra University, Tehran,Iran

2 M.A. of Art Researc, Alzahra University, Tehran,Iran


Iranian modernists of 1940s to 1970s who were after a personal expression and Avant-garde movement, used native and Persian symbols in their works. This action caused a new movement in this Iran’s modernist art which now is known as Neo-traditionalism. Elements inspired by ancient Iranian arts were a group of motifs used by Neo-traditionalists. The present study tries to provide an answer to the question that: whether the ancient symbols and patterns used in the works of the Neo-traditionalists in the 1940’s and 1970’s had had a semantic value or just were used due to their aesthetic and decorative values? Researchers believe that they, by selective analysis of some ancient motifs in context of modern works, have been able to show the fallowing: these symbols can guide the audiences mind toward new and modern world based understanding by de-familiarization in audiences mind. The present study believes that a serious and detailed rereading of the works of the modernist pioneers is essential for production, understanding and interpreting the more recent works. Furthermore, it aims to expand new readings of modern works and familiarizing the audiences with the decoding methods of these works. The historic-documentary method was used in analyzing the ancient symbols and patterns, and in case of contemporary works, the comparative analysis has been applied. These works were selected purposefully from the museums, archives, private collections and libraries.


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