Religious Themes in Modern and Post-Modern Paintings (A Case Study of Paul Gauguin, Francis Bacon, Mimmo Paladino and Robert Gober

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant prof. of Visual Arts, Alzahra University, Tehran,Iran

2 M.A. of Visual Arts, Soore University, Tehran,Iran


One of the interdisciplinary study field in the realm of culture is studies on the relationship between religion and art. In fact, we can observe periods in history of art when the religion and art mixed. Although the mixture of art and religion was not at an even pace, religion is one important context for creation of the art works. Things have changed in the modern and post-modern period and they were not moving toward the same ends any more. Meanwhile there were artists who have worked on signs or religious traditions. Present study is an analytical, historical and social study of the modern and post-modern art which deals with the relationship between religion and art in works of four modern and postmodern artists naming Paul Gauguin, Francis Bacon, Mimmo Paladino and Robert Gober. The key question is: how is the relationship between modern and postmodern art to religious, political and ethical teachings and how is selection and composition of visual elements?
Modern art, rather than being a tool for propaganda and preaching of political, religious and ethical teachings; wants to be a goal by itself. Post modernism says we should speak of logic, insight and plural thoughts without any efforts to effect anything or anyone.
Present research is a qualitative study and required data were gathered through library documents. The researcher has studied works of Paul Gauguin, Francis Bacon, Mimmo Paladino and Robert Gober in order to describe and analyze the statistical sample of the study.
Findings show that artistic work can’t be created in vacuum but it is the result of time, place and awareness of its creator time period. Religious concepts of modern works are rooted in criticizing wisdom. Postmodern works are the outcome of selfish combination of elements put together just due to their visual appearance or have radical criticism to religious teachings.


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