Showcasing the Role of Toranj Pattern in Islamic Arts: A Case study of Rugs, Cover of the Quran, and Covers of Safavid Era Shahnameh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Prof. of Art Research, Alzahra University, Tehran

2 Assistant prof. of Graphics, Alzahra University, Tehran,Iran

3 Ph.D. Student of Graphics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran,Elahe


Toranj patterns have been existent since Iranian ancient times in artistic works and various designs nonetheless the ample interpretations regarding its origins. The patterns have crucial roles regarding the aesthetic effects. Since Safavid dynasty has been, in some people’s opinion, the period for advent of artistic works and artists used to be creative in making their works, the aforementioned pattern is widely seen in the works of the era such as rugs, book covers, plaster patterns, tiles and generally any architecture design. This paper aims to evaluate the similarities and differences of Toranj patterns in rugs, Quranic covers, and Safavid Shahnameh covers using comparative-descriptive methods and by data analysis as well as using library methods. The results illustrate that Toranj patterns in Iranian arts and especially in the Safavid era are nearly unique in a way that few patterns compare to them both in practical and conceptual aspects .


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