Costume and Identity: Characteristics of Cultural Identity in Iranian Clothing

Document Type : Research Paper



Iranian culture is a collection of traditions, customs, religions and languages which has achieved a relatively united principle across the nation. The identity (questioning who we are) is generated through cultural attitudes and is the indicator of humans in existence. Sometimes Identity is essential and in some other cases it is accidental. The issue of clothing and costume, as a matter of human dignity, is a symbol of cultural identity. Therefore, the relationship between identity and clothing could be defined as fallow, the outward aspect or appearance of the costume comes from human behavior which consequently leads to changing components; and the inherent part has a deep content which its meanings are related to human mood, and due to the fact that these concepts are rooted in human’s nature and the culture created by it; they have a higher or stable meaning or there are fewer changes in such meaning. Present research aims to study position of clothing and costumes as a symbol of cultural identity and present the features of Iranian clothing, and also to answer the critical question that: what are the cultural characteristics of Iranian costume? The research method is descriptive – analytical and data was gathered from library resources. Results indicate that pattern, color, texture and ornaments of a costume not only has a beautifying aspect but it also will guard humans’ sanctity and is proportionate with national and local thinking, favorable toward condition of time and space and according to symbolic values of Iranian traditional arts. In describing such themes, Ideas of some traditional theorists as well as historical books of recent century about clothing and costumes were also studied to achieve desirable results.


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