A Comparative Study of Hunting Deer Scene, Bahram Gur and Azadeh in Shahnameh Scripts of Ilkhani Era

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant prof. of Graphics, Alzahra University, Tehran,Iran

2 alzahra


Shahnameh is an epic poem written by Hakim Abuʾl-Qasim Ferdowsi Tusi. This work attracted attention of many Iranian kings throughout various eras and was even ordered to get illustrated by some of these monarchs. There are no illustrated versions of Shahnameh from the era before Ilkhani dynasty establishment till 14th century and there are only two copies of Shahnameh belonging to 13th century which non are illustrated. There are only near 10 illustrated Shahnameh scripts which belong to 14th century (Ilkhan era) which their illustrations are notable and worth studying. Present paper aims to study three illustrations from three Ilkhani era’s Shahnameh scripts which depict the tale of “Deer hunt, Bahram Gur and Azadeh” which was considered as a notable story by illustrators of these scripts. The research method of present study is descriptive-analytical method which; by employing existing resources and documents; tries to answer the question that, whether these three Shahnameh scripts of 1331, 1333 and 1352 A.D. were produced in one atelier? and if a specific style and method has been fallowed in their creation or not? Therefore, a set of differences and common aspects among artistic elements were examined in these three paintings.
Generally, it is concluded that based on composition, technic and even influence of previous schools, either from Iranian, Chinese or Mongol art, there is a unique pattern in these three common illustrations of these works, which confirms the fact that these similar looking works were created in a common workshop.


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