Indian Classical Dances: Techniques and Means of Expression

Document Type : Research Paper


Asistant prof. of Graphics, Alzahra University, Tehran,Iran,


Similar to all dancers around the world, performers of Indian classical dances use body limbs and their movements as the medium of expressing their message too. In every dance, the body movements represent feelings, emotions and the purpose of the dancers. Since Indian classical dances have got their roots in Hindu gods worshiping, and are performed to worship them (based on religious laws, dancing is essential in worshiping), each movement of the dance has a special meanings. Present research aims to study and identify the means of expression including body movements, make up method, costume and stage accessories as the media and tool of expression in this ancient art. Present research also tries to answer the following question: are these body movements symbolic in Indian ritual dances? What are their meanings? When are they employed? Present research is a descriptive study documenting data through documentary and field study methods. Based on obtained results dancers try to represent forms of nature by shaping their body, but use symbolic methods to represent examples of nature, emotions and other abstract issues due to the limits of the bones and body’s structure. Therefore each movement has a list of symbolic meanings, which makes the story of the dance understandable, and thus the dancers do not run out of movements while representing a special subject.


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