Visual Signs in Turkmen Asmalyk

Document Type : Research Paper



Turkmen hand-woven handicrafts are symbols of culture and thought of people who express their beliefs through different artifacts.
Due to the practical role of one type of these hand-woven handicrafts, named “Asmalyk”, in wedding ceremonies and the presence of various and symbolic motifs related to this ceremony and other Turkmen believes. Present paper aims to study and identify visual and symbolic features of these hand–woven crafts and introduce this art craft and its symbols and patterns which were made by woman. Present paper is descriptive-analytical, using data from library. Result of the study was studying visual and symbolic characteristics of these handicrafts emphasizing on cultural, historical and ethnical characteristics as well as believes .Researches indicate high and strong power of rituals and believe among these artifacts.
2Which motifs of Asmalyk are common on Turkmen Asmalyks and what are their believe meanings?      


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