A Cross-Historical Investigation on Goat Motif Design Evolution (5000 B.C.-The Sassanids Empire)

Document Type : Research Paper



Present research is a contextual analysis on the goat motifs designs derived from a period between pre-history to Sassanid Empire (9000 B.C. to 651 A.D.). The studied cross-historical time period includes sub-periods of Pre-history (from 9000-3200 B.C.), Early History (form 3200-625 B.C.) and History (from 625 B.C.-650 A.D.) that covers the Epipaleolithic Era, Neolithic Era, Copper, Bronze and Iron ages, based on the classical chorological chart. A classification of dominant styles and images and function of image were presented in fallowing with respect to the study's sub-periods. Based on the results, style of natural processing with a high degree of reality (naturalism), an obvious tendency to move from naturalism with high degree of abstraction and a deep inclination toward realism can be found in pre-historic era (9000 B.C. to 3200 B.C.), the Beginning of history era (3200 B.C. to 625 B.C.) and in the history era, respectively. Partially exaggeration (in horn) and motion were the main characteristics belong to the pre-historic era and history era, respectively. Function changing from goddess role to the ritual, decorative and propaganda functions during the studied period was observed. This distinct transformation can be attributed to the formation of the Kingdoms and religious beliefs of the society (Zoroastrianism


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