Role of Handicrafts in Entrepreneurship of Handicrafts Graduates of Kashan University

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Instructor, Faculty f Handicrafts, University of Kashan, Kashan, Corresponding Author

2 kashan


Synthetic arts are objective crystallization of culture and artistic symbols; they are popular and applied arts with their own patterns and originality and have always been presented as an important and critical factor in Iran's economy. Considering position of Synthetic arts as second factor in growth of GDP and in order to extend it; extensive support and guidance policies have been applied. Naturally its extension will have variant and considerable effects. Effects of such extension have many connected aspects due to the complexity and extension of activities in Synthetic Art's domain and we should pay attention to them while extending such jobs. Exact awareness of condition and created effects and also its weaknesses and strength about each of dimensions will enable planners to present better and efficient programs to decrease its weak points and empower its strength and improve success rate of such occupations. Research method of present study is descriptive- analytical aiming to study the condition of entrepreneurship of Synthetic arts graduates and analyze its weak and strength points to improve working condition of individuals active in domain of this art-industry. Data gathering tool in present research was questionnaire. Statistical Society of the research included 230 female graduates of handicrafts degree from Kashan University and 35 were accidentally selected as sample. Results of present study show that artists' income median is higher than society's income median while their working experience is only two and half years.


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