A Study of Factors Inhibiting Growth of Entrepreneurship in Synthetic Arts

Document Type : Research Paper


دانشگاه الزهرا


Entrepreneurship is applied to a kind of effort which will be done by knowing and being aware of opportunities, working and communicative skills in human resources.  Such effort will result in presenting new productions, new method in production process, new market, new resources and finally creating new organizational procedures in working industry including synthetic arts. The issue is to know and presenting solutions to correct obstacles which are usually created in process of activity and final interest due to the lack of support from state organizations. Main goal is to analyze and recognize obstacles which prevent feedbacks and useful application. Results of present study show that creating proper individual, organizational, environmental and educational context and targeted support could be considered as growth factor and useful efficiency in developing entrepreneurship of woman distributing synthetic arts and presenting material support. meanwhile creating proper environment will prepare entrepreneurs, who have the basis of working and potential ability but are not a part of working and development chain in country due to lack of enough capital, production tool and proper location to present goods and services, in such manner they will be prepared for optimized activity. Such supports include presenting credit facilities, support from Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and other state organizations, central organizations of rural cooperation organizations, Handicrafts administration, Welfare organization, Relief Committee for Women's Participation and etc. Which will increase power and working abilities of entrepreneurs.
Key words: Entrepreneurship, Growth Factors, Growth Solutions, Inhibiting Factors 


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