Position of hand-woven fabrics in design of workwear clothing (case study: art of Sherbafi/weaving poems)

Document Type : Research Paper



  Although Iranian hand-woven fabrics have an ancient history, the peak of its development and growth was in Safavid period when the business and market of Iranian fabric weavers was flourished. Unfortunately this art is going to be forgotten. The excessive import of foreign fabrics and change of fashion stream has affected the hand-woven fabrics and the employment of artists in this art-industry. The purpose of this research is the design of workwears based on Iran's traditional hand-woven fabrics in order to introduce and promote hand-woven products in handicrafts and providing some kind of principle in the management of concerned organization. In terms of research purpose, it is a practical one and the research method is descriptive-analytical and by using a field research and library based documents, data has been collected. The subject importance in this paper is to development and spread the hand-woven fabrics in society and distribute a kind of clothing which is intertwined with dominated norms and values of the society. These products contain culture, history, geography and costumes of one nation and at the same time they act as a strategy for job creations in which this art-industry will be no longer a merely abstract or artistic issue and will turn to a practical and money making issue. Based on a time-place categorization of clothing design and with attention to prosperity of hand-made products, this research studies workwear clothing with having a social function. When a cloth uses by all the members of an entity, it makes the members to be identified more easily by themselves or by others outside of that organization. Based on the priority, first the designing of the workwear of Cultural Heritage, Handcrafts and Tourism Organization has been done. Results indicate that most employees reported that as a response to the new form of workwear, most clients were satisfied and expressed that there is a kind of principle in the concerned organization.   


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منابع تحقیق میدانی:
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-مصاحبه با بافندگان و تولیدکنندگان شعربافی کاشان- آقای مهدی محتشمی.