The relationship between culture and architecture (case study: Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Architecture, Architecture and Urban Design Department, Jundishapur University of Technology, Dezful, Iran

2 Graduate Student of Architecture, Architecture and Urban Design Department, Jundishapur University of Technology, Dezful, Iran


Transformations in the present century cause developments and changes between the manifestations of life and culture in Iranian society. The traditional architecture and its trends were underestimated and on the other hand due to the occurrence rate of these transformations, there is no opportunity for adaption of these changes with culture of society. While developments in European countries occurred step by step and to a large extent the changes were easily replaced. For the revival of our original culture and architecture, we need to recognize its major factors so it can continue to exist. Architecture is not just a collection of styles and forms, and it doesn't completely specify its own social and economic conditions, but it comes as a set of them. Architecture as a communication system interacts with culture and for receiving its inner message, the cultural context in which that architecture is formed should be recognized and studied. Otherwise, its messages cannot be well perceived.
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art is an outcome of the combination of concepts related to origins and principles of a modern approach to architecture from one side and the most inner layers of an Iranian architecture thinking as well. This research aims at studying and analyzing Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art in terms of the relation between culture and architecture. The research method is descriptive-analytical and by using different websites, related books and a field research method the data has been collected. At the end by applying intuitive and inductive reasoning, a general conclusion has been inferred. Analysis indicate that some original concepts of Iran's culture and its traditional architecture had impacts on the design of Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art both directly and indirectly and these ideas were correlated in a way in the concepts of the building's construction.


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