female interaction, research based innovation

Document Type : Research Paper



  The current world is transitioning from mechanical and analog technology towards information technology. Smart technologies will be used in many products and devices in the future. Because of this, there is a fear in the marketplace of losing potential costumers due to this transition. Many of these costumers are female, but a masculine-oriented perspective still dominates the design and manufacturing of interactive products. Some leading brands in the “smart device” market (e.g. LG, NOKIA, Danfoss, Grundig, and HTC) have focused on feminine values in their design activities to benefit from the opportunities in this large market segment. Female Interaction is a powerful and dynamic approach in design which has been founded based on user research, user profile, and scenarios of using products. This conceptual framework can also be used as the principle and structure of icon design and graphic design. Collaboration of researchers, businesses, designers, and marketers has provided the opportunity of using this theoretical knowledge for effective practical solutions in product design and development. This paper attempts to represent the findings of Female Interaction team for design, development, and selection of models and manufacturing process.  


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