The relationship between digital techniques and creativity in printed advertisings from 1370 till 1386 in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art, Alzahra University, Tehran


The research problem is to investigate the effect of creativity phenomenon and the relationship between using computer, digital techniques and creativity in commercial printed advertisings from1370 till 1386 (1991-2007) in Iran. During this time, digital techniques were vastly used in advertisement design.
The main research questions are: what is creativity in advertisement design? Did the use of computer and digital techniques have any effect on creativity in commercial printed advertisings from 1370 till 1386? What is the related effect on audiences in Iran?
This paper attempts at examining the creativity criteria through library researches. Then based on the statistics collected from 60 cases of commercial printed advertisings participated in biennium from 1370 to 1386, a field study was carried out. At the Next step, the accuracy of findings was examined through 480 questionnaires.
The purpose of this research is the identification of creativity criteria in advertisements and consequently to examine the effect of digital techniques on creativity in designing commercial printed advertisings in this period.
Finally, it has been concluded that there was no significant/meaningful relationship between digital techniques and the emergence of commercial printed advertisings from 1370 till 1386 in Iran. Although these advertisements were well designed and aesthetically pleasant, they are mostly not motivating and they don’t communicate with audience.


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