The study of impacts of Fifth Hijri Century metalwork on West metalwork in medieval era

Document Type : Research Paper



 In the history of Islamic reign, Fifth Hijri century is contemporaneous with reign of the Seljuq dynasty that was supportive of arts and culture. On the other hand the time period of this dynasty is simultaneous with eleventh century A.D which is a part of medieval era in West. Unlike to the unprecedented developments in Islamic arts of Seljuqs era, in medieval era Western art did not enjoy a considerable level of progression due to the unstable and chaotic situation of that time. Nevertheless, this period had a considerably advantageous characteristic which is, indeed, the interrelations of East and West as a result of different factors such as the first Crusade. These relations led to some cultural and artistic exchanges and consequently some interactions of which the reflections could be seen in the artworks handed to us from that time. The present research studies the metalwork of Seljuqs and their western medieval peers, emphasizing on the impacts of former one on the latter. In order to do so, the written historical documents have been used as well as pictorial sources. The data has been worked on through theoretical- analytical method along with inference.


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