The Study of Impacts of human signs and representations on TajMahal's reputation

Document Type : Research Paper



Among cultural Islamic edifices in India, TajMahal has obtained a considerable reputation and in spite of being placed on Islamic art category, it has been noticeably popular among non-Moslems as well. Due to some less discussed characteristics, this paper aimed to study these features through historical and descriptive research method in order to achieve more accurate meanings. Existing significant forms, in addition to the purpose of the building as a tribute to human grandeur, suggest the human representation as a microcosm that its quiddity and quality are the questions of this research. In order to understand these signs, first, the concept of microcosm has been studied comparatively among various cultures. Moreover the representations of relevant concepts, which are death and renaissance, have been assessed in visible and hidden forms and embellishments. The results showed that these significant forms on one hand have materialized the criteria of Hindu and Renaissance cultures, and also have observed Islamic rules through semi-hidden and abstract styles. It has led audiences to communicate with the building, having any taste, belief and interest, in modernity or tradition, and the role of this quality in TajMahal’s huge reputation cannot be overlooked.


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