New Aspects of Future Textile Design: Biomimicry, Opportunities and Fields of Application

Document Type : Research Paper



  Nature is essentially beautiful and flawless and is definitely a great inspiration for artists and designers. Basically speaking, to design is to create new ideas and convert them into a material or non-material phenomenon. In the world of design, for many years, what has been withdrawn and taken from the term of "inspiration from nature" was only limited to artistic and aesthetic aspects. On the contrary, the purpose of " Biomimicry" science is to get involved in both practical and aesthetic aspects of natural systems. Biomimicry advocates innovators and problem solvers of all kinds, to create more intelligent and sustainable design through the conceptual view and/or emulation of nature. This research is trying to explore the intersection of biology and textile design, and also clarify new strategies of designing textiles to a brighter future of this art. In fact, biomimicry and the proper relationships between biological/environmental experts and textile designers, offers more sustainable and compatible future textiles. This research is a theoretical and fundamental one which is based on the study of experiences and extracted principals of textile design in Biomimicry. The proposed information here has been gathered through library researches and also include some examples of innovations and experiences of related experts in the field.      


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