“Gestalt in Designing Plan of Iranian Garden”

Document Type : Research Paper



Gestalt theory is one of the significant theories in 20th century that has been entered in the field of art and architecture .since in this theory a different kind of emphasis has been noted regarding the notion of perception, there are many papers that has been studied this system of perception and its functions in designing; But most of these papers are about the theoretical aspects of Gestalt theory and the presence of this theory in Iranian garden’s design has not been studied. So the question left here is that can we analyze the historical gardens with this theory? For finding the answer, first we studied the Gestalt theory and its connection with concepts of landscape architecture and then we examined its capacities for analyzing Iranian garden.
 The main questions of the presented research involve with concepts of Gestalt theory and its extracted criteria for analyzing historical Iranian gardens.  To answer the proposed questions theoretically ,  the research methodologies of logical reasoning and case study  has been used and at the end the related concepts of the theory to the plan of some historical gardens from different eras has been studied in order to present the extent of the application of this theory in Iranian gardens.  
The findings of this research show that although many years have been passed from the emergence of this theory, it is always applicable and can be well used in field of landscape architecture. With the help of Gestalt theory, hidden aspects of Iranian landscape architecture can be recognized.


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