Signs of the myth of procreation in the newfound rock art in Bahram Choobin Strait

Document Type : Research Paper



  Seimareh region (Darh Shahr township), with the advantage of being located close to Kabir Kooh highlands, has always been a rich resource for its inhabitants to well sustain a life. The existence of various remnants from different historic-cultural periods of time in this region could be a valid piece of evidence for what was just said. The authors who had already taken an expedition to this strait for conducting a survey on the Sassanid relics in the region could notice the on-rock reliefs/designs there for the first time. These designs definitely belong to people who some time used to be residents in this region. The main theme of this rock-art works appears to be cattle’s grazing or in particular the relation existing between human and ibex. Our main questions here are as follow. Which period of time do these reliefs belong to? Do these reliefs represent mythological beliefs as well as daily life and subsistence base of their creators? The presumption our study is based on come from the fact that the abundance of the motif of this animal (ibex) on the other museum objects indicates the existence of a mythological idea, i.e. the myth of procreation, in these people’s art and culture. In the end we will come to this conclusion that these rock-art works probably date back to the first millennium B.C. since during this millennium the myth of procreation could be observed on other different existing records and finds. This study has been carried out applying a descriptive-analytic method beside both library and field researches.      


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