Business Status of Women Carpet Weavers

Document Type : Research Paper



   There are Safavid Persian carpets in the museums in all over the world which portraits the highest development of carpet weaving during Safavid period in Iran. Esfahan has been one of the most prominent cities in carpet weaving from the time of Shah Abbas till now and carpet weaving is considered as one of the important and prominent arts in Esfahan. Due to intellectual and cultural atmosphere of Esfahan, women weave the carpets and in every part of Esfahan province they try very hard to create splendid works. Because of some problems related to field of carpet weaving in recent years, the effects of these problems on business and subsistence level of these weavers become evident. The question here is that what are the effects of those problems on business situation of female workers in this field? The purpose of this research is to study and analyze the employment situation of women weavers in Esfahan province and the obstacles which this group of society faces with. The research methodology is correlation and causal and for gathering data we used Library and in field method.  From the findings of this research  one can conclude that  factors such as social security insurance ,issue of retirement and disability of weavers , fluctuations in price of raw materials, rules and regulations , the absence of a coherent system for marketing threat the business status of women carpet weavers.               


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